Originally Posted By kbrkr
I grew up in New York; I know exactly what racism is.

I've been Black in America for 70+ years; I think I know what racism is too. Nothing like personal experience, my brother. As far as "supporting the Black community his whole life", tell that to the Blacks who were denied access to his rental properties (resulting in his being sued). I already know that no amount of facts are going to change your mind which is already firmly made up, so I'll just say this; this country is chock full of people who see themselves as 'not a racist' but are more than happy to overlook or even deny it's presence, even in the face of undeniable facts. BTW, if you're going to plagiarize MLK ("judging anyone except by the content of their character"), that's not the phrase you want to use if you're trying to exonerate Mr. Trump. For starters, you have to HAVE character in order for it to be judged.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]