Originally Posted By Fran Carango
Here is my one and only response, and then I am out of here grin

You guys tried to vote in Hilary... no other comment needed shocked

I'm not a Hillary fan ( or her husband) and at first kind of thought Trump might be a better choice but very very soon after saw what an idiot he was and changed my mind. At least Hillary wouldn't embarrass our country to the whole world and would have the sense to work with experts. What we have now is and entitled child totally unfit either mentally or professionally for the position. How many lies and contempable behaviors can you tolerate ??
Bill in SC --- Roland BK9 (2) Roland BK7M, Roland PK5 Pedals, Roland FP90, Roland CM30 (2), JBL Eon Ones (2) JBL 610 Monitor, Behringer Sub, EV mics, Apple iPad (2) Behringer DJ mixer