So thats what you look like, jonny!!! What i need on the K.N. 7000 or the 6500 is a more sophisticated TRANSPOSE FUNCTION. I want to be able to transpose the "SONG" playiing on the floppy disc to the key I want- Usually the key that I have the sheet music in but leave the keyboard as it is in C. E.G. Try a little tenderness backing is in Eb- My music is in C. O.K.? I transpose down 3 semitones and now my C is an A. My other keyboards, which shall remain nameless allow me to transpose "SONG" or "INTERNAL" selectively or both as my need requires.Is there something I have missed. I read up the manual and it only suggests an overall transposition is possible. This is more important to me than a T.V. output.Still, as I said, there is a lot the Technics does that the others don't but this seems such a basic requirement. Jean.
Jean Olivia