Originally Posted By Dnj
waiting for that
Organ solo

Here's one with the organ ... running into some things good, and some not so good .... you'll notice the drums in the last verse (2:15) take an unusually long fill to turn around, and at the very end they (drums) actually hiccup (2:48) when I switch from Rhodes to Organ for the last chord. These are things I'm hoping more processing power will eliminate in the upgrades. Some sounds are more memory intense than others, and I need to find, and identify the memory hogs so I know to treat them more gently when making fast changes. Still not happy with the balance - my mindset is in living room mode, and I just can't give it my full attention till I have an audience for play off of. This was recoded direct to the SD7's internal recorder. I turned down the level 1 or 2 clicks.

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