Hi! I am new to this although I have been reading all the forums since 2 years especially those concerning the KN models. My question or comment is that I think that Technics should offer free demo audio tapes, cheap demo video tapes or better yet, real media player demos sothat we can actually hear or see and hear what it is all about. And since most manuels are not that easy for the layman to understand, I'd suggest a free video course or real media player course. To get free advice from a pro would we well worth the price of the instrument. And this could be an ongoing proces, like a whole series. I don't think any other keyboard manufacturer has this kind of service. It would certainly be a sales boost. All too often once you have made the sale the niceties stop until you're ready for your next buy. But to provide this kind of free service on the Net...it would only mean that there's one manufacturer who believes that the customers deserves to get the best out of his or her instrument. I'd welcome any comments. Thank you .

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