So, with this down time, I decided to clean out my music room/studio. I had my first paid gig about 1955 and I think I saved just about everything that I used, or even referred to that I thought would enhance performances. Tons and tons of sheet music. I made my first backing tracks with cassettes back in the late ’60’s early ’70’s. The Casiotone came along in the 80’s making cassette track making easier. Then came, the first midi arrangers that used floppy discs and on and on. Now, what to do with a several hundred of floppys and cassettes? I USED to nag my wife about hoarding … says a guy with 5 keyboards, 6 sound systems/amps, 7 accordions, 2 trombones, 3 cassette recorders, 3 digital recorders, and several tubs/containers of miscellanies accessories … oh yeah, and several hundred floppys and cassettes.
Ciao, back to the cleaning ...