After a beautiful 4 months out on the desert just west of Yuma, AZ....I have returned to my "home base" here in S.E. New Mexico....For me.."Home is Where I Park my Motor Home"....... Most of the time it is here.... Here we have High Speed Wireless Internet 24/7....Whoopie!

My music is all in alphabetized 3 hole Binder's or Notebooks, a LOT of them! Styles like the following... C & W, JAZZ & Big Band, etc., Latin, Classics. Many of the books have duplicates of the music from other books....lots of duplicates allows me to take "just the right book" to play where ever I might play.... Reading is how I play. Those who play by ear are awesome.....those who do both are REALLY AWESOME!!!!

All of the programs in the panel memories are the registrations & rhythms I have created to my liking....including the sounds. The banks are titled very much like my books....Latin, Jazz, Piano combos, C & W, World, etc......

My favorite registration is the Piano in Part 1, an Accompaning Drawbar in Part #2....sometimes voices...sometimes nothing...In Part #4 I like a sax, clarinets, a pan flute, a Cello.....whatever seems just right to my ear for a particular rhythm & piece I want to play. The part four instrument is a very nice harmony with either of the other two with the Technichord engaged with the "Duet 2"...(change the conductor to Part 4 & then exit & go to "Program menus" button above the yellow SD button....go to "Sound"...then "mixer".....Then go to "part 4" under "volume" & increase it to "127". Then go to "Sound" at the top of that page & put your instrument in the number 4 spot. Go through each of the following pages to be sure the "off" is changed to "on" on each page. On page 5....I have found the best setting for your part 4 is "-12" to make the harmony sound correct & not too high pitched!

Please keep in mind that these are my personal preferences.....They may not be "right" or "correct" for you! That is okay with me! For me "right, wrong, good, & bad" are just words, they have no universal inherent meaning...Like with all words....meaning is within the mind of the user.....better not go there with this.....!!!

These are just some of the things I have learned to do with my AWESOME KN7000! I enjoy punching buttons & trying out as much as I can figure out as well as trying the stuff others are willing to share!

We CAN keep this forum alive as long as we make contributions & share our knowledge & our pleasure in our music!

In the RV World...I am a member of the world wide "ESCAPEE's RV CLUB"....We call ourselves "SKP's" Our motto is "Sharing Knowledge & Pleasure" the RV lifestyle....Music is my greatest joy to share with others! It is very much an integral part of my RV lifestyle...I know several RV'rs who have an RV as their only me...."Bebop" has another home too!

Thanks for asking the question....