Originally posted by BEBOP:
Originally posted by Retired:
[b]Hi Bebop
I must admit to being one of those Non Members who have being visiting this Forum for about the past two years. It has got to the point, that most nights before going to bed I look in on this forum. Some times I find the threads so interesting I don’t get to bed till two or three in the morning. Unfortunately I find that there is not much I can add too a thread that does not eventually get covered by members more knowledgeable than my self. I would just like to thank all those forum members who have generously given of their expertise on the Kn 7000 keyboard, and every subject that is posted on this forum, which I find interesting, enlightening, and some times amazed at the detailed knowledge members poses. I would like to say thank you to all members for making this a great forum which I look forward to visiting.
Fred UK

HI Fred in UK our newest Junior Member that now has 1 successful post
WELCOME as a participating member of the Technics Forum Fred. We are delighted to have you here with us and active
I am guessing from your message that you have a KN7000. If you would like to be on my KN7000 email list just drop me an email and I will be happy to add you and start sending you some of the songs etc
Best to you and yours,

Hi Bebop
At 70 years of age, I can live with being called Junior.
I was in the chemist to day when a lady in front of me, said to the person behind the counter,
You may serve this young gentleman first, referring to me, I nearly slipped off my zimmer frame.
Just when one is thinking that the KN7000 is the main reason for living {and the good lady of course}
A kind word makes all the difference.
Best Wishes
Fred UK
