Originally Posted By ekurburski
Another welcome back DNJ. I really appreciated your super critical reviews of new equipment. I have been suffering from upgradeites for sometime and your comments have reinforced my laying back on making any sort of a move. I have the PSR3000 that still does 90% more than I'm capable of doing and I've had it for over a year now.
There is so much sitting up in advance on these kb's today. I can't imagine how long it would take me to learn a new kb! If the kb doesn't sound a lot better why bother? Considering that sounds are sampled, how much better can a new product really sound? All the official demos emphasize the great piano sounds but really how much greater can you make a piano sound? I am much more interested in the sweet tenor sax, and trumpets that sound like trumpets. And of course the BIG one, I want a sample of Willies Martin! Coming to the conclusion of using VST's running thru the kb's sound system. I have a free vst, DEXED that is a klone of the DX7 with over 30,000 patches! I also have the Korg vst's and have been looking at the Roland collection. Would appreciate your comments on using vst's to add sounds versus the purchase of a new kb.