Well, I'm back. The news from the doctor this morning was not good. But, back to Larry's song. . . When I considered deleting or punching nothing to the control track, I couldn't find a simple way to reinsert all the desired control events that were in the measure. As I recall, there were over a dozen events in the measure, most of which were subtle changes in expression using the expression pedal. I had no problem with punching to or deleting the APC track. But I didn't feel I should just throw away all of Larry's control events along with the ending event. So, I discarded the approaches that Alec has used for the control track. The approach that I used included more steps that do take more time than Alec's approach. But, we're not in a race. We are just trying to solve Larry's problem. Did you have a solution for replacing the deleted events, that I don't know about, Alec?