Originally Posted By Saswick
Hi Chris

I realise the SD40 receives Midi over Bluetooth I have the Triple Play guitar system and I have mentioned before apart from my guitar technique it works with no problems. The USB receiver I acquired was one that was recommended by someone on Youtube but obviously not the right one.

Regards, Col
Hi Col, the SD40 can not receive MIDI over Bluetooth by itself. You need another piece of hardware for that. Of course, the Triple Play is not a Bluetooth setup, either, but a proprietary system. IOS devices, Mac, and even Windows 10 machines act as a Bluetooth MIDI receiver all by themselves without any external hardware though in Windows 10 it is in a new protocol that almost none of the existing DAWs can understand. That's why Korg wrote a Bluetooth MIDI driver for Windows for their Bluetooth MIDI controllers.

"You Shall Know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." John 8:32