Bebop Sir: Bet you will be glad when 2003 arrives, seems this year, if it wasn't for your bad luck, you wouldn't have any luck at all. I just lost everything on my Dell, because Internet Explorer would not load, (know; that version 6, is risky) Explorer cannot be re-installed by itself but is part of the Win. 98 total load. I therefore had to re-install Win. 98, and start with a clean sheet. Took me most of the day, but everything is back to normal now only it all runs better than before. I am on high speed cable modem, and they gave me a brand new, latest version, which is much smaller and more reliable. Sorry abdout your P/C problems, as well as mine, but keep the faith, the clouds will go away, and like a great song say's, "I can see clearly now, the rain is gone." Regards, ARJ