Originally Posted By Bachus
Originally Posted By Sokratis 1974
1) Ketron I Rate it with a 9 (For Audio Style Modeling)

2) Korg I Rate it with a 9 (For many advanced edit function)

3) Yamaha I Rate it with a 4 (very poor editing and very difficult to create a style from scratch)..

For Roland I don't have opinion because I don't have any model..

Makes me womder wa edit functions you found on Korg ot available on Ketron..
- the only one i can think off, is not being able to edit GM voices on Ketron..
But thats not a style thing...
- and then there is the 4 differend variations for different chord types in Korg..

I found that there are so many little hidden things and settings on the SD9 pro its even beyound what Korg allows... and thats not just audio tracks... espescially the whole style modseling tab on the sd9 pro... and the launchpads... make ketron stand out.. but also options tos set a single drumset and bass troughout a performance..

So.. Ketron (Audya and SD9), in my opinion is the winner because includes a good (Midi) Style creator, and a very good and easy Audio Styles Modeling..
Korg with 6 (not 4) different CV (Chord Variations) for Variations and 2 CV with Fills, Break, Intros, Endings, also the very good Guitar Mode, and more fuctions as is Sound Articulation Record, advanced Event Edit, Import and convert style from Midi file, Inport Slices Groove (audio Loops), different Volume with RX Noices, Expression Volume for each Channel and more..
Of course all this can be done onboard on Keyboard...

Edited by Sokratis 1974 (08/30/19 03:50 AM)
Style Producer
Ketron Event, Ketron Audya 76, Audya 5, SD9, SD1,Yamaha Genos, Korg Pa3x, microarranger, Roland Fantom G6, V-Synth XT, XV-5080, SH201, D-50, Novation KS4, Dave Smith Evolver