Tony is correct.....the problem is that some of you are missing his point. Sure you can improvise, reharmonize, and do all sorts of things to a tune, BUT, it still is done from a base structure, a defined guideline, whatever. Get so far away from that base that it is no longer recognizable and it's no longer THAT song. It may have been INSPIRED by that song, but it's no longer that song.

Donny complains about his OP going 'south' but loves the high post count which results from it. Makes it seem like a post is more interesting than it really is. For a day and a half there was 0 or 1 response to the OP causing him to question whether there were any Organ Bossa style fans; apparently not a lot. Wow, I can't believe I stayed up this late for a pre-season game...must be starving for some football.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]