Playing left hand bass compared to bass pedals.

I started out with the accordion.
A perfect instrument to learn music,
be it theory or technique (circle of fifths etc).

I learned to play bass lines with bass buttons.

When I studied voicing and chord structure on the piano,
I needed to learn another way to play bass on keys ,
within the chording.

Moving on to organ, pedals came into play, as did left hand bass.
I developed left hand bass easily because I had a strong
background in music theory (again accordion study).

I found the pedals very limited to what I wanted to acheive.
Most organ players will play root and fifth, but very hard to play
walking bass lines in all keys on pedals.. So we usually play in
our favorite keys for ease of pedal play. Key of C and F.

Better organ players will play in all keys, but primarily play
root and fifths, filling in the missing bass notes needed
with the play of left hand on lower key manual.

Myself, I find it natural to play left hand bass.
My brain already knows what chord or
melody counter line my right hand is playing,
and I play left hand bass without needing to think about what I am doing.

I cannot translate this concept to bass pedals at all..

What do you guys and gals think about this?