There is a joke about a Mr Smith would was so fat, that he tried to loose weight but always failed; he tried every diet known to man. He finally went back to his doctor to ask one last time as his health was failing him. The doctor said, well ok, but I am apprehensive to tell you this, but since it's looks like your last chance to loose weight.
He said, yeah doc, I will try again, well, I to tell the true I all ready have tried everything.
The doctor said, well Mr smith, the last resort for you is you have to eat through your rectum!

What said the patient, are you joking ?????!

No, said the doctor, through your ass, and there is no issue with what you eat, but I what to see you in a couple months to see how you are going, ok?
Ok, I try it, see you later doc, or not.

Well, after a couple months on the day he was suppose to see the doctor, the receptionist rushed in to see the doctor.
The doctor exclaimed, what wrong, can't it wait till I have finished with my current patient?
No doc, come now, look in the waiting room. There is a guy in there jiggling on the chair. and acting really weird.

Well sure enough there he was, sitting on a chair, the patient who couldn't loose any weight.
The doctor couldn't believe his eyes, Mr Smith, is that you, you have lost so much weight, I didn't recognise you for a minute.

Mr Smith answered, yes doc, it's me, I lost heaps of weight, thanks to your new diet!

So what's all this jiggling you're doing on your chair, are you in pain or something?

No doc, I 'm just chewing on a mint!
The problem is not the problem...The problem is your attitude to the problem.