Originally Posted By Stephenm52
We’ve gotten together in the past.

Seems like everyone comes to Florida sometime, and several SZers have stopped by to say hi or go on a gig with me. Glen Toth from Ohio, Tom Cavanaugh from Michigan, Gary and a few others have dropped by over the years. John C (Bruno) and I have visited each other where I always learned something new. Now that Steve is a p/t Floridian, I'm hoping we can get together sometime.

Carol and I have made mini-vacation trips to Maryland and Louisiana for jams at Gary's and Don's. We made some good friends and even got to accompany Gary's Daughter, Laura, who is a very good singer.

The PSR Tutorial is a fantastic resource for anything and everything to do with Yamaha PSRs and Genos. Synthzone General Arranger Forum is a different animal and the camaraderie and variety of subjects is unique and appreciated.
