Well Gary, I am amazed at how some things that are easy for some to understand can be so difficult for others (especially me) I struggled with the registrations and saving them. Still do to an extent. Just saying, I read fairly well. I have several degrees so most would say I'm not an idiot BUT the PSR OP is very complicated and for me very hard to completely get my head around. I had none of these problems when working with a simple spinet organ and a side piano. I love the 3000 I got from you and I learn a little more each time I set down at it. But
I'm afraid I will be asking some more stupid questions in the future. I think I might reference the manual & the tutorial site in future questions so you guys will understand that I have read the manual. BTW, sometimes it just knowing where in the manual the answer to a question might be.
PSR 740,PSR 3000, Mirage, tx7, mp32, Pro Tools 10,11 SONAR, Reaper, BIAB 2020 and a pile of Computer Music mags w/disks
College student was working on Doctoral, Education Now just doing courses to do courses