Changed channels between football and the NYE shows. They were so boring with the announcers trying to be funny and kill time. I didn't know any of the performers or songs until the last one by Christine Aguilera. She can still sing ( yell ? )
What I did notice was the bands playing in the pouring rain. I know it was all taped music but it must have been a well paying gig to bring your multiple keyboard setup out in the rain and have it get soaked. I was watching the rain pour off the edges of Christine's keyboard player. And rain ain't too good for a guitar either if I'm correct.
Do any of you think that maybe the backline rental companies have non-functioing boards and dummy instruments for such occasions ?
Bill in SC --- Roland BK9 (2) Roland BK7M, Roland PK5 Pedals, Roland FP90, Roland CM30 (2), JBL Eon Ones (2) JBL 610 Monitor, Behringer Sub, EV mics, Apple iPad (2) Behringer DJ mixer