I finally got to visit with Bernie and his precious wife. I do not remember when Phyllis and I were so graciously received. We went to service Sunday at his church followed by an eat in with a selection of covered dishes made by the church family. Bernie played the big church organ and then he led the choir. The guy is a talent.

If we were staying at a fine hotel the meals would not have been any better, Annaliese can cook really cook a great meal. (I hope I spelled her name right??) Bernie and I talked about possibilities for the 2008 Jam. Bernie and Jim will be leading the set up and I will be supporting both men.

And then ---- the music/toy room -- filled with fantastic stuff starting with his Bose sound system. A year or two ago Bernie said it was like the last round up, so let’s enjoy what we can afford. Well he is, the room was packed with goodies. I learned about Bernie, he is humble, he does not show his toys or knowledge of the toys a pushy manner. After spending time with him in his music room I can tell you he goes along slowly and accurately, and he his knowledge of computers and music equipment goes beyond mine.

Bernie showed me his sound module, it is a unit that produces high quality instrument sounds. The piano and sax were outstanding. With a bit of understand you can add those sounds to your Technics keyboard performance. Ex. Technics Piano add the module’s strings. Or you can substitute the sounds.

I could have mailed this directly to Bernie but I wanted to share it with our forum. My thought is to add a family feel to our music discussions. It’s nice to know about the friends we have on this forum. Because of the forum and the Jam I now have two precious friends here on the west coast of Florida.

John C.