Today I played my final Christmas Show for the year. It has been a very interesting and honestly disappointing season for Christmas gigs. Oh, I had plenty of them - 19 to be exact, but some were hardly what they once use to be. It is sad and disappointing when you show up for a Christmas job to be told you can play ONLY secular Christmas music! At several places I was told to limit Christmas songs to only a few. This was not because the residents were tired of the season but because the Corporate owners of these places did not wish to OFFEND ANYONE! What a bunch of BS! So, next year I WILL SELECT WHERE I PLAY AND WHAT I play for the Christmas shows or they can hire someone else.

I also noticed a big change in our local radio stations and what kind of Christmas music they played as compared to past years. Things a changing folks and in my opinion not in a very good way.

Well, all this said, today I had a 3 hour Christmas show and It was awesome! I played just about every Christmas song I have ever known and much to my enjoyment when I played the traditional Christmas music the audience, about 150 of them, sang and clapped and totally enjoyed the experience! After the show dozens of the audience members took the time to thank me for bringing Christ back to their Christmas show and told me I was the ONLY entertainer this year who played these songs for them.

Well, sorry for the venting here but I thought it might be a good thread for the forum.
