Gary: Thanks for posting. Beautiful song from a musical I have yet to see. (No Broadway out here in West Mayberry! LOL!)

Hi Chas:

I would hesitate to compare myself with a "Composer" but when all factors are weighed and measured (as regarding music creation... including songs) I don't think it matters much any more how music is created. The marketing end of the biz is a "closed society" and obtaining a key to the "Frat House" of Juliardniks or Music Row in Nashville... is so difficult to accomplish! LOL!

I have a composer acquaintance who does the "licensing" route and has music in movies and commercials on TV worldwide. He appears to make a pretty good living at it... and is a real talent. He uses whatever is necessary to accomplish the needs of the client or potential customer. It's a bit like fishing... using his compositions as bait. These compositions can be used in their entirety or sliced and diced as movie cues for different scenes, etc.

Most of his composing is done on a Grand Piano but an Arranger is sometimes the answer for specific musical scenarios. All it takes is imagination, talent... and a well earned reputation.

Unfortunately, those important factors are not yet in my "wheelhouse!"... but I'm scratching and clawing to get there if the grim reaper does not claim me first! Life is a Beach!

All the best, ----Dave Rice