Originally Posted By Bachus
Originally Posted By Ketron_AJ
Originally Posted By Rule
Is it possible to rename scene in Launchpad, if not maybe that should be practicle to rename it to now what is in every scene

Working on it ....great idea to inform user of scene content.

Another great thing would be if the scene 6 botton would work like a +5 button... giving you actually 1 to 5 and when switched on 6 to 10 scenes.. For quite some songs these days 6 scenes might not be enough..

We are already maxed out at the amount of audio data that can be handled per project (18). Remember that although you are only streming a max of 3 audio at a given time, each project loads a max of 18 audio files though 'manipulates' 3 at a given time. While 3 are being played, the remaining 15 are still in memory.
Design Engineer & Product Specialist.