Originally Posted By Bachus
Originally Posted By abacus
It’s quicker than the old Wersi OAS instruments, (About 1:30) slower than OAX (About 40s) and a snail in comparison to a Bohm Sempra, (5s) which as OAS & OAX are full computers (So have to load Windows first) makes the Ketron a yawn.


For a home player everything under 30 secconds is top everything above a minute will be frustrating..

Its good to hear Bohm utilizes the latest technollogy in the right way... altough, does these 5 secs also incliud their cloud expansion?

If you have the cloud studio option (Which is way overpriced for what’s on offer) then this continues to boot after the Sempra is up and running (Cloud studio boot time will be dependent on what VSTs you have loaded in, but standard is about 1:30 with the included Steinberg and Hauptwerk software)

Personally I see no point in the Cloud Studio except for beginners, as you can make up a small PC with the same software for a fraction of the price, or you can use the new MAC Mini with the i7 processor, 512GB SSD, (Add a thunderbolt 3 external SSD for main storage operations) and 8GB of Ram. (Upgrade to 32GB of Ram later (The Ram is user upgradable) for a fraction of the price that Apple charge)

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).