smile smile My youngest grandson is in band camp (he just started on guitar about 3 months ago). The kids are about 9-12 and the young adults you see in the video are camp counselors. He's the second from the left (blue guitar). Of course they sound terrible but they have a ton of fun (he actually has a 'solo' at @ 2:06). What's neat is that they get to play at a local restaurant (pre-concert rehearsal) the night before their concert so they get the experience of playing a 'gig' in front of a live audience (mostly parents and whoever the parents could coerce into coming smile ).

Needless to say, all these kids come from very well-to-do households and I wish these kinds of opportunities and experiences were available to less fortunate kids. I've approached the owner of the camp about 'scholarships' or at least sponsorships for kids that would not otherwise be able to afford it, but of course it's too late for this year's camp. One problem is that it's in a very upscale area and so not very convenient for kids (parents) outside the area. Anyhoo, I know Russ has a history of supporting this kind of thing in underserved schools and neighborhoods so I thought he'd find it interesting.

At the moment, I'm waiting for my grandson to come to his senses and discover jazz smile smile smile.

Forgot to mention, this was shot with a phone but if you click on the image, it will go to full screen.


Edited by cgiles (07/21/18 08:39 AM)
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]