For me, singing is like downhill skiing. Once you push off ... there's no turning back. I will not "take it easy", but I do play it safe. I don't scream, or play too loudly. I sing in the keys that fit my range. For me, the concept of "right key" - "wrong key" only applies to my comfort level. It really bugs me when musicians tell me what key a song is "IN" ... I don't care what key it was written in, or who plays it in what key. My instrument (my voice) has no transpose button, and I have learned to use the right tool for the right job. I don't like to strain, and if I can't do a song justice, I won't do it ... except on rare occasions where a request is accompanied by a generous donation to my gear fund. smile I will sacrifice my comfort (to a degree) for the pleasure of my audience.

I've never been an alter boy as far as health goes, but I do try to pamper my throat, especially in busy times, like now; singing 4 sets, 6 nights a week. I avoid temperature extremes (beverages), limit caffeine intake, avoid dairy ... the usual. When I do need to "medicate" during a hard night, I put a few Riccola lozenges in warm water, and drink that as a makeshift, soothing tea. Feels good, tastes good, and seems to give me a little boost to get through the last set. 60 songs a night can really take a toll.

I can't coast with my vocals. It's too personal, and every night brings a different energy to the stage. I will continue to sing my heart out until my body tells me otherwise. I don't fish, or golf, or have a boat, so this is my hand, and I'm going all in.

Happy 4th to all my US friends!
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