Originally Posted By Mark79100
Originally Posted By zuki
Originally Posted By Mark79100
Originally Posted By Dnj
thought you worked out a trade deal with Zuki for his Pa4x76??

I'll let Zuki tell you what happened. And if it's not the correct version, then I'll tell you myself.

The story is that I left Mark 'hanging' with my indecisiveness and he was kind enough to hang in there with me.

After all that, I decided to keep the 4X and work it in. I took in account Bruno's comments, which makes very good business sense.

I spent all afternoon digging into the 4X and it has real promise. I set it up with my Zed and went VH direct (like Don does) and I'm staring to see some real musical possibilities.

Zuki....you and I both know that was the "fairy tale" version of what happened....the "fake news" version. I was politely asked what happened with the "swap." So, when I get a minute, I'll politely give the "real" version of what actually happened for anyone interested.

No opinions or comments....just the news!

It's really nobody's business but yours and Zuki's.

