...we could run our business like the landscapers do. Use a large van OR a trailer and put all of your equipment in it....wires, mikes, stands ...everything. All small items hanging on the wall. All keyboards, sound equipment goes on the floor. Maybe even sitting on an R&R cart ready to be wheeled out.

I spend at least 30 minutes before each job typing out exactly what I'm going to need to carry for the next gig. The days of just a keyboard and amp are long gone.

A trailer, of course, would have to have every security device known to man while you're playing.....GPS locators under each bumper, ignition cut-out switches hidden in every nook and cranny, thick chains on the steering wheel and column, a dash camera connected to your smart phone, motion detectors, a portable outside surveillance camera that you can put up in a nearby tree, maybe an armed security guard, and, of course, the ultimate.....just plain complete insurance coverage. And to further avoid actual break-ins, I would consider using the "shell" of an armored truck. Parking it overnight is even simpler. Build an alligator pit on your front lawn and park right in the middle of it.

Only kidding of course, but wouldn't it be nice if we lived in an ideal safe world where we can take any kind of a booking and not have to think about what to bring, emergency equipment, spare equipment, loading and unloading your vehicle, forgetting something at home, etc. Just have EVERYTHING in the truck and do as the landscapers do....open the back of the van and take out just what your little heart desires....when your little heart desires it!