Originally Posted By cgiles
Originally Posted By Dnj

My intent wasn't to be egotistical but more of a reference termonology to some who never heard the term used before in the business same as you would a DUO, TRIO, QUARTET, etc, as there are also single acts that are NOT Power singles, nothing wrong with that for let's say a acoustic guitar/singer in a coffee house, cocktail hr, or strolling table side accordion player, etc, it is just a different title to define the act to a perspective client nothing more,.

Okay, I can see that, but I still think Fran was just having a little harmless fun with you (supported by the fact that every sentence in his post is followed by a smiley face smile ). Anyhow, I'm just bored watching non-stop coverage of the royal wedding; I'd rather watch the Tony Awards or eat a 'veggie' pizza.


Try watching Handmaid's Tale on Hulu excellent utopian novel series wow!