I work as a soloist with my keyboard, and also with a female vocalist using backing tracks ... the duo gigs are all booked by her ...
When I work solo, I use mostly styles 'live', and during 99% of the songs I perform, I play at least one instrumental verse using any of the appropriate voices on the board ... when I work with the female vocalist, I have no problem being a 'front man', except during the instrumental parts of the backing tracks - I don't quite know what to do - ... I'm not a 'dancer' so that's out of the question ... sometimes I will engage in a little patter or tell a story about the song I'm performing ... My vocals (although not as good as Dave's) are also the main part of my performance, but I don't know if I could do a whole hour with using the keyboard ... Yes, it can be a bit much for a one hour gig, but it's what I do ...
t. cool