It seems to me, everybody is missing the real point of this debate. (a very interesting debate it is to).

Which is:- That in essence, the sole purpose of anybody preferring to listen to an 'easy recorded' song, as opposed to 'ANY' other form of recording, is the knowledge that the 'PERFORMER' really is 'A PERFORMER'. !!

The comments so far made by everyone strongly suggest this to be so. When listening to an 'easy-recorded' song, you know you're listening to somebody 'ACTUALLY' PLAYING. Or are you. ?? - I believe this to be the basis of Larrys original question.

If there is no way of knowing, because of 'step-record' - 'control track 6' - and other features, then even when we believe we're listening to the actual 'playing' skills of somebody, we may not be. !!!

What a shame. 'Tis the price of modern technology. And puts us all back to the argument:- Does modern technology enable us to 'cheat' so much, that actual talent and ability, takes a back seat. I think it does. !!! - What a cracking debate this is.

Colin Leaney.