Originally Posted By Dnj
if your not playing much, if you not getting calls without having to chase them, then baby something is wrong with your music, or performance, etc etc

Donny....don't you think it's time you changed your tune and got in touch with reality? smile

In my case I have to "chase them" now because of a variety of reasons, all centering around an over-supply of musicians or fake musicians and an under-supply of locations to play.

Then there's the AD's, 90% have no idea what their doing. Then the friends of a friend of a friend looking for his first live playing job. The other day I played before the next act....a "professional chorus" singing Xmas carols. The accompanying pianist couldn't even play White Xmas without the music (and she still made mistakes). The singers were so disorganized, I thought I was at a Marx Brothers performance. But one confided to me then were simply locals playing for nothing. Then the "I just want to get out of the house so I'll play for nothing at a Senior place" persons. The high school jazz bands who play for nothing and "know nothing" (about how to play to an audience). The ever reducing budgets. Non-musical entertainment...lecturers, poetry readings, etc. The list goes on and on. It's a losing battle.

There's nothing wrong with "my music" or "my performances." 50 years of playing full time speaks for itself!

As I said before, I'm glad "I saved up my money for a rainy day."