Originally Posted By jdx
Thanks for pointing that out.
I was hoping I had missed something in my set up so
I could have the multipads load without OTS link becuse
I do not use the one touch settings as I use registrations just for my own sound combinations.
Thanks again.

It was not my intention to be condescending, so I apologize if my answer came across like that. I just thought the PSR forum responded so quickly with good answers. I just recently have a Yamaha keyboard and found out that the PSR Tutorial forums is a very friendly an helpful community, that also generously shares resouces among it's members.

I didn't notice the Multipads behavior you mentioned myself yet, so I did a little test on my T4. Indeed when a style is selected, the factory assigned Multipads only load after selecting an OTS. A registration behaves much like an OTS and makes a direct link to the Multipad. It is not a strange question at all and it appears you're not the first to ask, because I found quite a few threads on PSR forum on the subject. This is a nice and clear explanation: http://www.psrtutorial.com/forum/index.php/topic,1179.msg5173.html#msg5173

Happy holidays!

Tom NL