Originally Posted By guitpic1
Typical arranger player?

For me, it’s easier to see who’s not interested.

(1). High School students that I sub teach for. More interested in piano/synths. They like to play in bands. One student did buy a DGX 650. But he mostly plays piano.

(2). High school Music teachers including my brother. I’ve tried to get the local high school vocal teacher to allow me to do a demo....no interest.

(3). The assisted living activity directors I know....who play piano. “Too many buttons I’m told”

(4). My cousin and another friend(keyboard players)who entertain. They would rather bring a drum machine.

(5). Old rock and roll players I know from my generation. They like to play in groups and are fans of portable Hammond organs.

The biggest negatives I hear about arrangers from musically inclined keyboard players.

A. No hammered action...not 88 keys.

B. Too many buttons.

C. Playing along with an arranger player means that the band has to follow the arranger player.

Fully agree with A from a piano players view.
Fully disagree with B, give me an hour and i have them playing and they never forget how logical the outlay is.

C soon belons to the pass, the Montage has something called an envelope follower. Which allows your areanger tempo to follow a drummer, if thats wise? I domt know, but its quite well possible.. but if the drummer fracks up, the whole band might be in utter chaos.

Its not just arrangers requiring a steady beat... also synths with arps can be boumd to time signature
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
