It's no secret that I've hardly worked these last 3-4 years....burned out from working through everyone that comes between me and an audience (employers, filling out forms, invoices, generally difficult people, etc).

But......I do have bills to pay like all of us. I'm thinking about trying to get back to work.....just the senior places.

Everything changed from when I was working regularly. You all know that. It used to be (when I wanted to hustle new accounts) I would just call a place, get the AD on the phone almost immediately, have a brief casual conversation, tell her my references, and presto! zippo! I would get a booking.

Of course, it doesn't work like that anymore. Though Gary is absolutely correct in what he does to get new accounts, I just don't have the time for all of that.

What's the best way to make yourself known out on the circuit again with the least effort (not NO effort, just the least)?

I'm thinking now about reviving my old flyer that tells what I do and Google the FAX # and fax it over. It's nicely designed but, bottom line is it will just go in the scrap heap with the rest of the AD's daily communications.

Any suggestions other than build up a reputation again?
