Originally Posted By Steve A
Originally Posted By guitpic1

There seems to be so much emphasis on producing arrangers to make them contemporary to the younger generation. Note PA 4X vs 2.0 update.


Most of the younger generation I know seem to me to want to produce their own music with traditional instruments to produce their own sound....just like we did in the 60's.


Hmmmm....The younger generation is using software & synths & pads. I personally don't use a hefty % of the styles on the KORG PA4X because they are irrelevant to what I want to do. But right up maybe your alley. The "lack" of contemporary music on the PA4X was really the only reason I would dump it...They seem to be addressing it for a broader audience.

For gosh sakes if my freaking $4000 keyboard has POLKA which I will never use & no Hip Hop that is plain archaic.

KUDOS to KORG for putting styles that maybe you won't use but others will...I will never use a Ballroom, yet that darn thing sits on my $4000 keyboard...I say we need more diversity in the Arrangers.....Way more.....I want options and don't do LATIN

I want to play Contemporary music but don't want to use software.....As do many, many people...

Bold move by Korg and makes sense....Especially to all the posters in the "will the Arranger go the way of the Dodo Bird threads".....

I'll bet you will really enjoy the Korg update because it seems to bring lots of new sounds, styles and controls to suit more modern needs!