Originally Posted By Dnj
Originally Posted By J. Larry
Yes, price will be a factor for me, along with any improvements made----assuming I can or can’t live without them. Meanwhile, the S970 and T5 are working just fine. So, I’m in no hurry. I would prefer lighter weight and improved sound and styles, if that’s possible. But, if that’s all we get, what would that cost? Whenever a new arranger appears, maybe some clever person can analyze the new features, along with the new price, and calculate the approximate cost of each new added feature.

The minute there's a whiff of a NEW Genos or whatever its called release date for Yamaha the resale prices of S970/T5 will plummet to an all time low, be prepared to move & sell fast or keep what you have and buy the new addition to add to your collection if your so inclined. I'm sure Martin harris, Peter Barrtmans, & Michele Voncken are eager to get back on the road touring and demonstration the new GENOS as we speak too. We'll see? cool2

I know someone that allready sold his T5.. made a really good deal...
Bought it new for €3500 and sold it for €3250 after 1 1/2 year of fun...

If you combine that with the deal i made on the Pa4x, which i bought for an incredible €2600 but also getting €500 back on a G70 which i was unable to sell above €300

If i decide to go for the Genos, i should be able to get atleast €2200 as trade in for the pa4x (that is, if..)

If you have a keen eye for buiseness, you will be able to buy some great instruments and sell them witouth loosing to much money.. espescially if you only play them at home and keep them in mind condition... the trick is choosing the right moment..

Wayting to sell your Tyros5 till the Genos arives in general is not a wise decision financially... but then, who can live witouth a high end arranger?
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
