More and more people now have the 7000. And now for all us 6k users, there is much less content for us here. While I am glad for all who have the 7000, I am finding this place less exciting. No one talks about the 6k series or shares things any more for it. Its all 7000 stuff mostly. So I would like to try and do a bit about that. How? Well, I think seeing that there used to be so much 6500 stuff here. Us 6500 users and 6000 users should still share things.Bebop has a 7000 now and moved on. But thank you so much Bill for all the styles and 20 for ones! I am sure us 6500 users will miss that! U did a great job, and we all enjoyed it I am sure! But now we would need to get something else together guys. Here is an idea. How about we 6k users and sorry to leave out the 5000 users but There are so few of them, but us 6k users should share sound settings, and combinations of effects etc.... Anything cool that you have discoved! I am now working on filling up my panel memory with sounds beefed up with the effects. Using both dsp and global multi effects at once! I will be sharing them with all who want them when I am done. I already have some great drawbars and organ sounds made! Maybe we can have everyone send in their best edited sounds not using the sound memory but only the panel memory with the right effect settings which beef it way up. And put the best ones on a disk and send it to all 6k users. I would like to see a disk full of drawbar and other organs. Super organs disk or something. Then maybe have a super funky piano disk with suitacse pianos beefed up the the hilt. I know people have some awesome sounds to share! Anyone else have any ideas to make us 6500 users still get much out of this forum. If not, us 6k and 6500 users will wake up one day and find this site useless to us! Lets fix that! Any takers? Ideas?

[This message has been edited by Sparky (edited 11-03-2002).]