Well, as a teenager I wanted to be a R-n-R star ... but realistically, when I was 17 yrs of age I was teaching accordion and going to college night school ... the 'plan' was to complete college majoring in education with a minor in music ... I would then become a music teacher in a school system and also teach accordion and one day have my own music studio ... life changed and at the age of 22yrs I went into the US Army Reserves, got into IBM school, got a 9-5 in New York City, and got married ... I continued college at night for a while but that didn't last, so the music teacher/studio owner idea died a natural death ...
I've played music since I was 13yrs old, mostly in a 'general business' band for 26 years ... I played classical music - even at Carnegie Hall - and I played in a classic rock band in RI for a while which was a lot of fun ...
If a 'genie' were to grant me one musical career wish, I guess it would have been to be a vocalist in a really 'swinging' band ...
But I will not complain for a minute about the life I have had ...
I have been Blessed and I fully appreciate that ...
t. cool