Originally Posted By travlin'easy
The vast majority are very nice, intelligent individuals who have outlived their bodies. Gary cool

Gary......I read what you wrote here a few weeks back and it's stuck with me ever since. I always treat the audience with respect and interact with them both on and off stage. BUT......I never thought about them that way. That's a very different and very useful perspective.

Coincidentally, a few days ago I was in a music store talking to one of the (older) salespersons. I mentioned to him what you said above, and he commented "the mind really goes on and on, remembers absolutely everything under the right circumstances while the body inevitably slows down and eventually comes to a halt. Point being that we have the same desires, impulses, wants, dreams, ambitions, etc as we had when we were younger....that never changes, but that the body will start refusing to cooperate (another way of saying in paragraphs what YOU said in ONE sentence).

Been thinking a lot about both of those remarks now for both myself and especially when I meet others.
