Originally Posted By guitpic1

Sometimes I feel like I'm caught in the middle. I'm a baby boomer at 68. But my music is way too old to play for the under 50 crowd and too young to embrace all the music of the 85 - 95 year olds I find at most of the places I play.


In the early 90's I saw it coming. Too many contemporary songs suddenly in the arena and too difficult to learn them all. A friend kept hammering away at me to become a DJ. Trying to stay true to my musical training, I put it off for years until the friend put it this way: "Don't you get it.......if you make your money as a DJ then you can cherry pick your live music jobs." That's all I needed......changed on a dime and went out and bought DJ equipment. Best thing I ever did.....it changed and enriched my whole outlook on music and performing. And for the first time I was free to sing standing up (to Karaoke discs) instead of "sitting" at a keyboard.

So what I did (on live music jobs) was bring the keyboard and play for an hour to show everyone I was a genuine musician and then I switched to a DJ presentation for the rest of the night. Never got a single complaint for the switch-over!

You couldn't do that now....in the 90's DJ-ing was in it's infancy and well before disco lights and lasers and what-nots became essentials. Back then all you needed was 2 CD players and a case full of CD's......and a personality.