If you were to buy one between the Kronos and the Montage, which one would you choose? I know it is not fair comparison but as a digital accordion player, I can't get over how much more technology you get with these TOL keyboards for the money. One digital accordion out of Switzerland is about $8,000, but basically it has a GM sound set..... Pathetic.

Originally Posted By: Bachus
Comparing the montage to Kronos...
1) Kronos has more options and tools
2) Montage is easier to get results with

Both sound incredible (as do all other high end products)

I am not going to spend my money, i am not done with the Kronos yet, there is still so much to discover inside that box.. And i am not gonna go a 3 piece setup...

So i will stick with the Kronos as long as it lasts being fun, yet i do recognise the strengths of the Montage interface and the raw power of its sound...
"You Shall Know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." John 8:32