Originally Posted By: Uncle Dave
My future political expressions will be silent.

I was tempted to use the quip "Silence is golden", but then I remembered that someone could point out that it applies to ME too smile smile. But seriously, PLANNED PARENTHOOD??? Oh, almost forgot - with the far right, life begins at erection. Considering the valuable health services it provides (besides abortion services) to women who might otherwise not have those services available to them, it's hard for me to understand why anyone would have an objection to (consultations concerning) Family Planning. Don't you do a little bit of planning before you purchase a new $5k keyboard?----like can I afford it at this time, etc. Surely bringing a new life into this world deserves at least as much consideration. What exactly raises it to the level of EVIL? And why is it that Republican men are so obsessed with problems that are so uniquely female in nature? And unless one practices abstinence outside of marriage and or eschews the use of condoms, aren't YOU practicing birth control? Just sayin'.


Edited by cgiles (10/18/16 02:07 PM)
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]