Chas, I generally always use at least one additional keyboard. Sometimes, I use a piano at my right had...90 degrees from the main.

Recently, I have been using an arranger at the bottom, my new little Hammond on top of that and a Yamaha digital piano on my right hand. For really large jobs, I sometimes use a synth on top of the piano.

For years, I used at Rhodes on my right hand and a B-3 in front, plus a synth on top of the Hammond.

Once, when I was wearing a full whiter tux on a revolving stage between a dining room and a lounge (the stage turned after dinner hour), I took a perfectly good Hammond C and added a three note Fender steel on the top. The white shiny case was built around the steel. All this was matched to a white acoustic piano (Miked) on my right hand at 90%.

Love stacked keys for walking left hand bass lines and endings.
