Virtually all mobiles have voice control (Can’t think of one that doesn’t these days) so you don’t need to look at the phone. In addition, most have Bluetooth so all you need is a Bluetooth earpiece so that you can leave the phone in your pocket and just tap the earpiece to answer, thus no taking your eyes off what you are doing. (Flip Phones require physical interaction to use, so are more likely to cause distractions)

If a car has a touch screen (Most modern cars do) then virtually all the controls needed while driving is on or around the steering wheel, so it is seldom that you need to use the touch screen. (Again Bluetooth can tie your phone or media player into your cars audio system, thus allowing control from the steering wheel)

Combine the above with all the additional safety features on modern cars, and there is less chance of being distracted than in an older car.

The main problem is with the dealers, who do not explain the above to the customers, and naff instruction books.

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).