don't need to reply to this. Just thought I'd put my two cents in again. I'm at the top of my game right now but it means zilch. What actually happened is the people were dumbed down....that's why bad music (and bad sounds) is acceptable now. No one remembers good music or good apple pie or good anything! Now if a waiter drops a tray of dishes on the floor, people think it's music. That's why people don't care what an instrument or a speaker sounds like now. There's no benchmark to compare it with anymore.

We're both coming from the same background....properly trained, professional, take pride in what we do, etc so I imagine it's as frustrating for you as it is for me. is what it is and there's no putting the toothpaste back in the tube.

I'm seriously thinking of doing a "Gary." Determine if the bank account will sustain me long enough so I don't have to go back out there in the wilds again. Stick to the nursing homes and that's it!
