Originally Posted By: audyaplayer
..... the Ketron gives you the live feeling ....

This was what I said when I got my hands on and bought the SD1 some years ago. I also loved the keybed and "Jump" feature. smile
Sadly I sold it too early to get ready for the Audya that did not show up when promissed, and when it did, the one item price was the same as for 1 Tyros and 1 Korg top of the range together.
Rest of the story already told several times ..... frown

SD9 sounds great at videodemos, no doubt, but so do PA4 (and T4/5 in it's "CD'ish" way)
Cheers 🥂
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)