Just wondering whats your favourite keyboards in these cattegories and why?

I decided to make several sub polls, in cattegories based on price. i tried to add every instrument with an arranger on board.. so there are some organs and pianos with arranger on the list...

High end arrangers (above 3000 euro)
a)Yamaha Tyros5
b)yamaha CVP 709
b)Korg Pa4x
c)Ketron Audya
d)Ketron Audya5
e)Wersi Sonic
f)Bohm Silverbird
g)Bohm Ouverture

prosumer arrangers (1500 - 3000 euro´s)
a)Yamaha PSR S970
b)Korg PA900
c)Ketron SD7
d)Roland BK9
e)Korg PA3xLE
f)Used tyros 4
g)Used PA3x
h)Used Ketron Audya
i)Used Wersi Abacus
j)Korg Havian30

Basic arrangers (around 800 - 1500 euro)
a)yamaha PSR S770
b)Yamaha DGX-660
c)Korg PA600
d)Roland EA7
e)Casio Mz-x500
f)Casio PX560
g)Used Yamaha PSR S950
h)Used Yamaha tyros 3
h)Used Wersi Ikarus
i)Used Korg PA2x

entree level arrangers (under 800 euro)
a)Yamaha PSR S670
b)Used yamaha PSR S750
c)Korg pa300
d)Casio MZ-X300
e)Casio PX 360
f)used Korg PA800
g)Used yamaha DGX 650
h)Used Yamaha Tyros
i)Used Roland G70
j)Used Roland e80
k)Roland BK5

Arranger modules
a) Ketron SD40
b) ketron MidJpro
c) Roland BK7
d) Bohm silverbird module
e) Varranger
f) Used Wersi OAS expander
g) Ketron Audya4

I hope this opens up some nice discussions and some insight on peoples preferences in the different price ranges...

Edited by Bachus (08/02/16 04:00 AM)
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
