
No experience with a PA 3X and...

I'm sure you'll hear from those older and wiser than me... smile

That said.

I'm now using a PA 4X. I also have a Yamaha Tyros 4(going on sale)and S970. The styles on the PA 4X are not as wide and deep as my Yammies...especially traditional/folk.

However, I've been able to adapt PA 4X styles(for the most part) to my needs. I play two to three times a week(or more) for seniors. I very much like the 4X styles...very alive and the seniors I play for also seem to like it.

Also I really like the 4X interface and controls for live play...more so than my Yammies. If all goes well, I'll sell both Yammies and settle on the 4X.

Edited by guitpic1 (07/13/16 12:24 AM)
It’s all about the learning