Joy and sadness,

Have spent a bit of time looking at the TONE function and had a look at the Keyclick organ in Sound Explorer. What do I find but Organ Click in group M on layer 3 of the sound. I have played around with this and although I need to taylor the envelope across the tonal range - it sounds better. Also applied it to when the key is released but at a much lower level.

Anyone interested I can email the sounds when I'm finished playing around or try it yourself.

Now the sad bit.
Went to look for my floppies of Vintage Hammond for my old KN3000 and found that the disks are corrupted, this one and several others. This shouldn't have been a problem. I trawled though my PC backups for when I bought the disks and only found empty folders. Doh.... I've lost my Vintage Organ, Strictly 70's & Piano, Big Band Hits and my KN7000 Style Conversion disks. I found that someone had put a magnatron magnet (v.v.strong) in a box on top of them. Great. I suppose I thought they were CD cases. About £80 wasted. I hadn't got around to putting them on SD card.

Fortunatly my KN6000 disks underneath were okay. So I have some disks left to put onto SD card

One step forward and three back.
Regards Stephen